A Pivot from Monotonal Monotony
Different where it matters
Traditional writing tools have a single option, whether the tip is touching the page or not. This is a binary option, all or nothing, touching or not, %0 or %100. Pivot Pen and it's multitude of tips makes writing non binary. It's fundamentally impossible to use more then %7.2 of Pivot Pens marking potential.
Noise is made with every press of a button or change of a pen. If multi color marking were any faster it would be auditorily obnoxious and a single person using one would distract the entire room. Pivot Pen by design is inherently noiseless while being capable of multiple color changes within a single second.
It used to take well over a second to change color while writing, whether it was pressing a button on a multi pen, or setting down and picking up another pen, that time and physical effort has essentially been a constant for recorded history. Pivot Pen shatters that constant by minimizing the distance and motion between a color change. You can now switch colors in about the same movement and time as writing a single letter.
Built by a Gen Z student with multiple learning misorders who, although considered disabled in writing, ended up being abled enough to advance the nature of what could be marked, drawn, or written by seemingly impossible margins. Put simply Pivot Pen makes more use of the potential of your hand, eye, mind, and time than traditional marking, writing, and drawing tools do.

Radical Product Solutions llc
Pivot Pen Gen 1 Multi-Pen